

Prepares an animation for an image from one size, location and crop to another.

Typical Usage

const duration = 400;
const {
} = prepareImageAnimation({
  styles: {
    animationDuration: `${duration}ms`,
}); = 'hidden'; = 'hidden';
setTimeout(() => { = 'visible';
}, duration);


How prepareImageAnimation Works

The animation is done by creating a temporary <img> element that is animated between the source and the target. Once the animation is completed, the temporary <img> is removed. The animation is done using position: absolute, to allow the image to move as the user scrolls.

In order to animate the crop and rendered image position, the function looks at how the source and target images are rendered using the size, object-fit and ‘object-position’ properties. It then animates between the two states, which may cause the cropping to change as the animation proceeds. See the hero animation demo for an example of this in action.

The animation is first prepared, then applied and finally cleaned up. The creation and application are two different steps, which can be useful if you want to avoid layout thrashing using a library like fastdom.

Function signature

function prepareImageAnimation({
  transitionContainer = document.body,
  styleContainer = document.head!,
  srcImgRect = srcImg.getBoundingClientRect(),
  targetImgRect = targetImg.getBoundingClientRect(),
  curve = EASE_IN_OUT,
  keyframesNamespace = 'img-transform',
} : {
  transitionContainer: HTMLElement,
  styleContainer: Element|Document|DocumentFragment,
  srcImg: HTMLImageElement,
  targetImg: HTMLImageElement,
  srcImgRect?: ClientRect,
  targetImgRect?: ClientRect,
  curve?: Curve,
  styles: Object,
  keyframesNamespace?: string,
}) : {
  applyAnimation: () => void,
  cleanupAnimation: () => void,

Return Value


Applies the animation by inserting the temporary transition <img> into the transitionContainer as well as inserting a dynamically generated stylesheet into styleContainer.


Undoes the effects of applyAnimation.



This option defaults to document.body and is where the the animating <img> is placed. Two cases where you might not want this to be the body are:

  1. The body is not the scrolling container.
  2. The body is the scrolling container, but is not currently scrolling.

When the body is not the scrolling container, you will want to place the animating <img> somewhere in the scrolling container. As an exmaple, the hero animation demo places the transition image on the newly active page. The structure looks like:

<div class="page" style="position: absolute; overflow-y: auto">
  <div class="content-container" style="position: relative;">
    … content

The demo uses .content-container as transitionContainer. Since the transitionContainer moves as the user scrolls, the animation moves in sync. Note that the transitionContainer may actually be a descendent of content-container, as prepareImageAnimation looks for the first positioned ancestor.


This defaults to document.head and is where generated CSS for the animation is placed. If you want the animation to be placed within shadow DOM (i.e. specifying a transitionContainer within a ShadowRoot), then you will want the ShadowRoot to be the styleContainer.


An <img> to animate from. This is used to determine the position, size, and the object-fit property to start the animation with.


An <img> to animate to. This is used to determine the position, size, and the object-fit property to end the animation with.


Defaults to srcImg.getBoundingClientRect(). If the srcImg is not laid out at the time you call prepareImageAnimation, you will want to capture the ClientRect beforehand and provide it to the call.

One situtation this might be useful is if you are doing an animation between pages, where the content is in the body itself rather than in a separate scrolling container. For example. consider the following page structure:

  <div class="page"></div>
  <div class="page" hidden>
    <h1>Some title that might wrap depending on the viewport width</h1>
    <img class="hero" >

To figure out where the hero will be positioned, we need to layout the target page (e.g. by adding hidden to the current page and removing it from the target page). However, hiding the current page will mean prepareImageAnimation will no longer know where to start the animation. By providing srcImgRect, the animation can know where to start from.


Defaults to targetImg.getBoundingClientRect(). If you know where the targetImg will be rendered, but you have not laid out the containing content, you can provide it to prepareImageAnimation. You can use this to avoid a forced layout in some situations, for example in the hero animation demo, we do something like:

// Layout the the target so that we know where targetImg is
target.hidden = false;

// Forced style calc + layout when we go to measure things
const {
} = prepareImageAnimation();

// Regular style calc + layout for mutations
current.hidden = true;

The forced style calculation caused by prepareImageAnimation can be avoided if you already know where targetImg will be positioned. Note that in this case, you will still need to provide a targetImg to the function so that the animation knows the object-fit property to animate to.


Defaults to srcImgRect. If you want to crop your image using a wrapping element, you can specify this to control the initial crop of the image.



Defaults to targetImgRect. If you want to crop your image using a wrapping element, you can specify this to control the ending crop of the image.



This option defaults to the built-in ease-in-out transition timing function ({x1: 0.42, y1: 0, x2: 0.58, y2: 1}). This is an object with the control points for a cubic-bezier() curve and is used to determine the animation progress for the position, size and crop at any given time.


An object of styles to apply to the animating elements. At the minimum, this should include animationDuration. Other useful properties may include animationDelay (if you want to synchronize this with another animation, which should start earlier) and z-index.


This option defaults to 'img-transform'. In order to play the animation, CSS keyframes need to be dynamically created. The prefix is used to make sure that the generated names will not colide with any other keyframes present. It is very unlikely that this needs to be specified.

Using different resolution images

If you are doing an animation from a smaller image to a larger image, you may want to use a low resolution image for the smaller image to make it load faster and save bandwidth. The image gallery demo outlines an approach to accomplish this. In short, you will want to perform the following steps:

  1. Start preloading the higher resolution image (e.g. on mousedown/touchstart or when starting the animation)
  2. Set the src for targetImg (either via src or srcset/sizes) to the lower resolution image
  3. Perform the image animation
  4. Once the higher resolution image has finished downloaded, set the src for targetImg to the higher resolution image

The image gallery demo code implements this approach using srcset.